Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Glass art

Two weeks ago, i went to a glass making class
to learn about glass. We listed about 40 things
that are made of glass, can you imagine a world without
glass? Did you know that bulletprove glass is made out of glass

covered in plastic then covered in glass

then covered in plastic and so on.....

Here are a few pics of what i did.

cutting glass choosing glass pieces

demo What i made

Monday, May 24, 2010

My drawings

Princess Bell Cukie Family Fairies

Some tulips Star flowers Carnations

Ki Ki and La La

Mama cooking

Hope you like them!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Cool trick

Cool ?

This is how you do it: go to http://darkartsmedia.com/google.html

then doubble click the mouse.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How to make play dough

Ingredients :

1 cup of boiled water
1 tablespoon of cooking oil
1 tablespoon of cream of tartar
1/4 cup of salt
300 grams of plain flour
A few drops of food colouring

1. Mix the first four ingredients in a large mixing bowl.

2. Add the flour to the mixture and mix well with a spoon.

3. Knead with hands when the mixture is cool enough to handle.

4. Add food colouring, a few drops at a time while kneading.

5. The dough is ready when the colour is evenly mixed and dough is soft & pliable.

( If dough is too sticky you may add more flour.)


Sunday, February 28, 2010

How to make foam roses

First you'll need :

seven foam paper pieces and seven pipe cleaners

(The pipe cleaners can be as long as you want)

Step 1 Take the left corner of the foam paper as shown...

Step 2 Roll it towards the right side until it reaches

the corner and continue

to roll it until the end...

Step 3 Take a pipe cleaner and poke a hole and twist it once

and roll the remainder till the end...

And there you have your very own rose!

After you made the other roses you can put them in a vase.
